Venus Enters Taurus on Libra Full Moon 3/31/18


Venus has entered Taurus today – I know, I know. I’m late! The bull is patient though so I don’t think it’ll mind. Venus will stay in Taurus until April 24th, 2018.

This particular transit is important because it’s happening at the same time as the Libra full moon. Venus rules both signs, Libra and Taurus, highlighting Venusian energy during this time.

Concepts surrounding love, beauty, attraction, relationships, self-confidence, and values are at the forefront. Check out where Libra & Taurus sit in your chart (house cusps and any house they might blend into) and those areas are the ones most likely affected by these concepts.

Here’s the Venus in Taurus aspects to look out for throughout April.

Venus Trine Saturn: Desire to solidify relationships, ending of trivial relationships, a realistic approach to beauty and love.
Venus Trine Mars: Sexual compatibility, melding together of complimentary energies. Motivation spikes, eager to please.
Venus Square NN: Love and beauty irritating karmic goals, needing to make adjustments in these departments that may seem uncomfortable but are ultimately geared toward future happiness.
Venus opposition Jupiter Retrograde: Inner turmoil over secrets and relationships, the need to heal rather than repress – can be positive when energies are expressed equally. Look out for favoring one energy over the other and projecting the other energy outward.
Venus Sextile Neptune: Dreamy, lovey feelings – make sure to avoid delusion. But enjoy the deep feel of love, intimacy and connection.
Venus trine Pluto: Depending on how the Venus/Neptune sextile expresses – this can be highly transformational. Love, relationships and beauty may be seen in a different light, changes made to previously outdated points of view, healing of pain associated with these concepts. Avoid jealousy, obsession, and release paranoia.

Saturn/Chiron aspects in Synastry


Saturn aspects with Chiron in synastry can show a relationship drenched in seriousness. There is nothing light about these placements- there will always come with this combination a tone of serious responsibility.

If your Saturn is conjunct a partner’s Chiron, you are the Saturn force in their life, bringing about structure. You likely have a checklist of things you think may help the other person, or feel a deep commitment to healing them. Whether you do this consciously or not, the Chiron person may feel you are an elixir sent to soothe their wounds.

If your Chiron is conjunct a partner’s Saturn, your partner is touching the most vulnerable parts of your soul and actually has the power to heal those parts. You probably feel strongly about committing to this person, but it’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed by this person’s transformational presence in your life.

In many cases, especially with squares and oppositions, Chiron either feels too smothered or Saturn feels like they aren’t being met in the middle. Saturn may feel like they are always having to help Chiron- without positive ways to express this, the relationship can wither. With any Chiron/Saturn combination, a breakup is often an arduous process that neither party feels is completely ‘right’ but continues with anyway. Both parties can feel like they don’t completely work together but that a strong pull forces them back together or at least forces a desire to get back together over and over again.
Chiron might feel too smothered by Saturn and actually create more wounds by shutting themselves off. If the relationship doesn’t continue, both parties will feel the pain of separation. These aspects can show a lifetime of pain, regret, or sorrow over the relationship if not ended in an open and honest manner. Both parties will remember what they had when they had it for the rest of their lives considering this is a karmic position, predicting that they have played major roles in each other’s past lives.

With a trine or a sextile between Saturn and Chiron, the healing journey may come easier than with the square and opposition. More fond memories may be shared, and even if the relationship ends, both may feel they learned a lot from the relationship and are grateful they were able to experience it.

If you are currently in a relationship with this synastry aspect, the main lesson learned from this is to be open, honest, raw, and vulnerable with each other. Both parties can grow and heal a great deal if the communication is allowed to flow freely and without judgement.

Mars, Reporting for Duty



Mars can be seen as an active force the sun uses to bring about its desires. The Sun decides something and Mars works to achieve whatever that ‘something’ is. Mars and the Sun need to work together in our charts in order for us to be successful in our endeavors. Keep in mind that success is subjective.

Our charts can hinder this energy exchange between our Sun and Mars or it can allow it to flow easily. Take a look at the aspects in your chart between your Sun and your Mars. Easy aspects, such as a trine or a sextile, can show free flowing energy exchanges. The houses can point to where the energy is likely to focus around.

‘Difficult’ aspects, such as a square or an opposition can hinder this energy exchange. They can make it difficult for both planets to agree with each other. Mars might rebel against the Sun’s orders- this is because Mars has a different agenda than the Sun. An opposition can be remedied easier than a square because both agree on certain terms and they need to come to a happy medium, no one side of the teeter-totter gets more pull, and both sides are equal, creating harmony. A square needs to be sorted out more carefully. This sorting can be done through checking other aspects your Sun and Mars have and finding commonalities. Be creative with the houses and signs they hold and figure out how they can work together.

If Mars and the Sun don’t hold any aspects, problems arise by both operating independently. You may feel torn on what actions to take. Mars might be in overdrive and ignore the wishes of the Sun, driving through projects but not feeling like have much success or feeling like your actions don’t actually represent who you are. Sun might go into overdrive, ignoring the wishes Mars, lowering desire and passion, finding you have little drive to carry out tasks. When brought to your attention, you can see the wishes of both planets and give them both the attention they need, and in turn, they will work together, allowing you to thrive.

Conjunctions of the Sun and Mars create a ton of energy, mental and/or physical, and can be used for an infinite amount of energy working toward goals. It can also burn out quickly if other planets aren’t given proper attention. Mars teamed with the sun in a conjunction often overpowers the rest of the chart, so make sure to nurture your other planets and let them in on the plan so you don’t fizzle out.

When Mars and the Sun are working together, we will feel clean energy on our life path. When they are not working together, or working together in the wrong direction, we will feel sapped of energy despite great efforts. Listen to your energy levels- Mars will tell you if you’re on the right path or not. What energizes you? What sparks your passion? What makes you feel tired and weak? Follow your energy.

Moon square Pluto



Free flowing ideas on Moon square Pluto:

I have many ‘difficult’ aspects in my chart, and Moon square my Pluto is one of them. When you add the nurturing and emotional nature of the moon with the death, intensity and regeneration of Pluto, you get a lot of emotional transformations. Lots of upheaval. It’s an every day struggle to balance my mind, emotions, and the undercurrents of the unconscious with each other. Giving up the struggle would cause a downward spiral into the dark abyss, meaning, attention is necessary. For those with this placement- you are truly blessed with a bittersweet predicament. Bitter will come first- you will be thrown obstacles consistently through out your life involving emotional areas. You will fall to the depths and then use your hidden power to rise up when you feel all is lost. Then comes the sweet- this placement, when overcoming hardships, feels stronger than ever before (and they are!). They can take the punches and roll through them victorious. They are the warriors of human emotion, passion, and depth. It’s a bumpy road and the road won’t stop until one has learned the lesson. And in this case, it’s all or nothing. Learning to be one with your emotions and the dark side of life is not an easy task. It gets exhausting and many people tend to give up after awhile and live unfulfilled emotional lives, or even kill themselves. But the ones who trek through will keep building their reserves of power and can spread these reserves to help others in need. Developing compassion is the goal for this combination. Once found and integrated, this person can change the world with their experience and help soothe the wounds of the world. Nowhere is too deep for them to travel, nothing too dark, they will go where no one else is willing to go in order to accomplish great good.

To add, I wrote this excerpt awhile ago and happened upon it again which inspired me to publish it to this blog. I want to say that working with this aspect, as well as any other aspect, takes a more in depth look at your chart. What energies flavor your Moon and Pluto, what signs/houses are they in? What other aspects do they make? What sign rules the house cusp they reside inside of? Take all these things and mesh them into a plan toward healing and bringing out the best side of this combination. And, of course, my advice on everything, meditate! Take time to listen to silence, and the answers will arise.

What is a Quincunx?

A quincunx, also known as an inconjunction, is around a 150 degree angle. In astrology, this angle can go about 2 degrees either way. This means anywhere from 148 degrees to 152 degrees give or take depending on how lenient you are in your reading. I stay strictly within 2 degrees.

Not everyone has an inconjunction in their natal chart. Some people have multiple. Understanding its energy is the key to interpreting it. Quincunx energy is not to be ignored in a natal chart. It is important to take note of because of its nature. Two planets that are quincunx each other don’t ever see eye to eye. They never see any part of each other, in fact. They completely miss the others’ energy. It’s like two people living in the same town their whole lives yet never meeting and never catching glimpses of each other despite shared friends and contacts. One is a mystery to the other. They don’t work together, they don’t work against each other, they just work inside themselves and can’t use the others energy to help grow or learn.

A native with an inconjunction will separate the two planets involved sometimes consciously but always unconsciously. Bringing the realization that you’re separating the energy up to the surface can help- knowing your weakness is the first step to overcoming it. There is debate as to whether or not an inconjunction can be overcome in the first place; easing it is a more likely alternative. In order to ease an inconjunction, one must recognize the energies involved, point out to themselves what fulfills each energy and how it contradicts the other, and how to compromise with each need. There must be sacrifices. Here is an example in case you’re feeling a little overwhelmed with information:

There is a native with a Venus and Mars quincunx. Venus represents love and beauty, Mars represents action, assertion, and sex. The native’s sense of what makes them feel loved and beautiful is completely different than what turns them on or allows them to feel independent and assertive. This can manifest as the native constantly doing what others want them to do in order to be well-liked, or it can manifest with the native constantly expecting others to do things for them. Physically, this person may be sexually attracted to a partner that they do not have romantic feelings for, and romantically attracted to someone that they don’t have sexual feelings for. This is usually unconscious and can frustrate the individual and make it hard for them to make decisions. When in love, they may find it hard to assert themselves. When in a dominant position, they may find it hard to love others or find enjoyment in life. This gives the native a lot of confusion concerning what they truly want. Venus doesn’t understand Mars’ need to control. Mars doesn’t understand Venus’ need to love. The native will feel most likely that their needs are never being met no matter what they receive from their partner.

To relieve this Venus/Mars inconjunction- the native must recognize what makes them feel loved and what makes them feel strong. Both are important. Both need to be compromised. They then need to point out what blocks they have set on themselves in regards to both of these things and why they feel the need to separate the two. If on one side they feel strong through being nurtured but feel loved by being allowed to be free- they must recognize this in themselves so someone nurturing them doesn’t seem to be suffocating their freedom and someone giving them freedom doesn’t seem to ignore their need for comfort and security. Once the native can distinguish this they can always look at where their feelings are coming from and not project this inconjunction on another. One partner can be enough for this native as long as they keep themselves in check.

Other inconjunctions work the same way but a more detailed report can be done by taking into account the houses of the two planets, other aspects they have to other planets, as well as their signs and the house rulers/sign rulers.